Submission Instructions

June 27, 2025 @ Berlin, Germany

Submission Site:

Submission is via CMT, using the following link:

Formatting the submissions:

Papers must be submitted in PDF format according to the ACM template published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample ( The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Workshop papers must be self-contained and in English.

Research Track

We invite innovative and creative contributions, including papers outlining new challenges for provenance research, promising formal approaches to provenance, experiments, and visionary (and possibly risky) ideas. Research track papers can be submitted as:

  • Long papers: This track solicits full research papers that describe mature, high-quality research up to 8 pages, excluding references and other supporting material.
  • Short papers: This track typically includes work in progress or visionary ideas up to 4 pages (excluding references and other supporting material) that are not yet fully developed, but have the potential to lead to cutting-edge research.

Application Track

Application track papers up to 6 pages (excluding references and other supporting material) should focus on innovative use of provenance, deployment of provenance-based solutions and open-source software. We invite authors to share insights, experience, and lessons learned when deploying provenance systems. We encourage submissions describing datasets, tools, or infrastructure that could benefit the community at large.

Best of the Rest

As the provenance community is now established and publishing in conferences and journals across computer science domains, ProvenanceWeek is forming a “Best of the Rest” category. If you have had a provenance paper accepted to a conference or journal in 2024 through February 2025, we invite you to submit the abstract to ProvenanceWeek. We will invite the “Best of the Rest” to present their work at ProvenanceWeek to widen the conversation. Submit the abstract and original publication venue and date of the previously published work. The title of the abstract must begin with “BEST:”.

Demonstration and Posters

ProvenanceWeek encourages the presentation of posters and demonstrations. Proposals for posters and demonstrations should be limited to a short description.

  • Demo papers describe the context and highlights of the proposed demonstration, including a brief description of the demonstration scenario up to 4 pages. The title of the proposal must begin with "DEMO:"
  • Posters describe the poster content and research problem up to 2 pages. The poster submission includes early research in conceptual stage such as a PhD proposal or a research idea to be tested by early career or established researchers. The title of the proposal must begin with "POSTER:"